
McConnell Lake

June 24 - McConnell Lake Alas, I am friendless. Not a soul in sight that has the time to splash around in the water. So I put on my big girl panties and went out to paddle by myself. Now this lake is an old favorite. I have never kayaked on it before but I have walked the perimeter many times over the years with my family. It is a very beautiful nature walk that although popular, looks mostly untouched by people. So I pack up my kayak, sun block and water and head out to the lake. This is a much shorter drive than the other lakes so I am looking forward to getting into the water quickly. I drive out to the lake and park off to the side of the boat launch and before I have a chance to get out of the truck I realize I have forgotten my paddle. Well, the language I used would make a biker blush. I am at the lake, ready to go and no F#@*ing paddle. Once I semi calmed down (I'm not sure I have ever fully calmed down to this day, yes I know I have a problem) I drive/fly back to town t...

Walloper Lake

June 17 - Walloper Lake Of the few lakes we have visited this was the lake I would rate "Meh". Not that it is the lakes fault but mostly because the weather was cold and the fish were not biting. This trip was more of a family outing rather than a great adventure. Once again I was joined by the beautiful Lily as well as my son Jacob and their friend Malik. But wait there was one more attendee that may surprise you. It was Mr Wonderful. Yes that is right, he does exist, not that you would know as he refused to let me take his picture so as far as you know he might still be a figment of my imagination. I mean sometimes I wonder myself as he seems to always be away working. Anyhoo, back to the lake. We had a small paddle, it was cold and windy. Jacob paddled across the lake, ran up a hill, looked in strangers windows, trespassed a little all in the name of exploration (yikes I need to have a chat with that kid). Malik paddled with lily on his lap, I'm still not sure how the...

Johnson Lake

June 7th - Johnson Lake, Another amazing lake found in southern BC. I am not going to be selfish about the name and location of this lake as social media blew this one into the public eye several years ago when reports of this crystal beauty became known as the Caribbean of the north. Well the crystal waters did shimmer much like that of the waters of tropical destinations but the temperature is a different story. Lucky for us we were on the water not in it so we didn't loose any toes to the frigid water. Let me start from the beginning of the trip. My beautiful daughter Lily joined me on this trip after I showed her the pictures from Mystery Lake (yes I told her the name and location so if you really want to know you can try and gather that information from her but she is one tough cookie so it may cost you more than you are willing to pay). Anyway we packed up for the day and headed out on our adventure. Total driving time was a little over an hour and boring it was not. Once we ...

Mystery Lake

June 3rd 2017 - Mystery Lake After a week of hot sunny weather I joyously woke up on Saturday morning to head out to a beautiful lake I had researched. As Mr Wonderful was away at work I asked my dear friend Tia to join me. Well, I get up, look out the window and low and behold I see clouds and wind. This girl was not a happy camper especially because the weather forecast did not call for this dismal weather. Good thing for me I was not camping so off we went anyway. All I am going to say is that this is the most amazing place I have ever been. I am in love. My only mistake was that I told people where I was going before I went so when they saw the pictures they knew where it was. So far I have counted 9 people that I need to silence unless they can prove to me that they can keep the location to themselves. You know who you are and I am watching. I might sound a little crazy, ok, a lot crazy but this wonder of nature is too beautiful to be over-run with people. Also, I am hoping t...

It Starts

Hey Guys this is me, Ellie. I'm pretty sure I'm not what you imagined when you first came to this blog. I am short, round and middle aged but at least it's not as bad as it will be in twenty years. Well, if I learn anything about this journey hopefully twenty years will be a lot better. Let me start from the beginning, well not quit the beginning. If I went back that far it would be a long boring story that you would most likely have surfed away and now reading a different blog that is not quite so dull and unnecessarily long. Soooo anyway, about 10 years ago I was camping on one of those rare camping trips that my now ex husband joined us on (you may wonder why I mentioned him but it will come clear soon) and I saw a family with their kayaks get in the lake and paddle away. I thought to myself that that was so very cool and I wanted to do it also so I did what I always did when I discovered something I wanted to, nothing, I did nothing. I dreamed, planned and yearned but...